Western Horsemanship -- Riding Styles & Disciplines

Bronze Horse Sculpture
Awards & Trophies Horse Sculpture
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture
Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture

This is a class only for Amateurs and Youth contestants. Although the judge will design a pattern which the participants of the class must perform, the correct execution of the pattern is not the only aspect for this class. Half of the evaluation is based on the appearance of horse and rider, the other half on their performance. Appearance in the western horsemanship class includes the posture of the rider, as well as the horse's condition, the equipment, and the rider's outfit.
This is the only western riding class in which the rider's seat, position, posture, position and action of hands and legs are being judged, as well as his or her ability to effectively cue the horse with as invisible cues as possible. This is not to say that these factors do not play a role in other classes, because they do, but in this one it is a main focus.
This class is to a considerable degree influenced by fashion and trends. Especially lady exhibitors not only like to present themselves in fashionable outfits, but are well-advised to do so. Sometimes, gloves are in, sometimes they are out. Everything should be color-coordinated. For male exhibitors it is possible to get by with a more traditional outfit
Riders should sit their horses straight up, but naturally in the western horsemanship class, they should ride in balance and be functional. An extraordinarily well-trained horse that executes the pattern correctly, but is exhibited by a rider who barely sits on top, like a passenger, is not going to win this kind of class.
Judges want to see competent riders, who actually ride their horses, help their horses, who are in control and functional. Missing parts of the prescribed pattern does not result in disqualification, but an exhibitor who missed something, or did something wrong, is never to be placed above one who executed the whole pattern correctly.
Maneuvers in a pattern for western horsemanship can be diverse. Often, rather easy patterns are chosen, which may include simply walk, trot, and lope at designated parts, maybe a turn or back-up. Cones are used to mark where the gait is to be picked up, where to stop, etc. Precision is called for, and smooth, competent execution with aids as close to invisible as possible.
A simple basic pattern may be enough for the judge to find his winner and placings. However, in classes on a higher level, every maneuver can be incorporated, from a spin to a flying lead change, from a side-pass to dismounting and remounting.
The western horsemanship class consists of two parts: the pattern work and the rail work. Rail work is basically like a western pleasure, only that here it is judged a little differently insofar as that horses may be more up in the bridle, presented with more contact.
Western horsemanship classes are sometimes held with all exhibitors in the arena, waiting in line, or individually from the gate. In the latter case, a working order must be designed and posted prior to the class. Working individually from the gate is preferable, as it gives the contestant a chance to warm the horse up and prepare it properly.
Article © ArtByCrane.com. Submitted by Hardy Oelke and Photos © Oelke or Oelke Archive. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted website without written permission of the publisher is prohibited and subject to legal action.
Sitting erect is important in western horsemanship, as are subtle cues. All kinds of maneuvers may be asked for in a western horsemanship pattern. The photo on the right shows an execution of a side pass over a cone.
Popular Horse Breeds utilized in Western Horsemanship:
Quarter Horse
American Paint Horses
Other Western Riding Style Disciplines:
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