Resin Horse Figurines | Collectibles - by Sculptor Patricia Crane

HORSE KNOWLEDGE CENTER Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane Contact
Resin horse figurines are like all horse figurines which have been popular about as long as recorded history -- we like to live with representations of real life items that are important to us, so it is no wonder that horsemen appreciate figurines that capture , to scale, and with great detail, the animals they spend their lives with!

Figurines foal sculpted by Patricia Crane. Photo By Mike Davis
Photo By Mike Davis


Just below the sweetness of this foal, lies his unfailing spirit: a prelude
to the champion he will become.

Prelude is 7 ¾ inches tall x 4 inches wide on a 4 inch square base.

Email Patricia

Prelude is a Patricia Crane original, signed by the artist.

The word "figurines", or resin figurines in this case, is a term used to denote resins sculpted by a professional sculptor who is dedicated to spending the necessary time and who has acquired the necessary skills, usually acquired over years of effort, to produce extremely realistic portrayals. These figurines are not a product that is mass-produced by large companies, but one that requires a devotion to the deep energy essence of horses, coupled with the outward exactness of true conformational anatomy.

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