Life Size Horse Sculpture for a Museum

HORSE KNOWLEDGE CENTER Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane Contact
The life size horse sculpture  by Patricia Crane is what first established her reputation as an international sculptor. Her bronze portraiture captures the individual personality as well as the precise individual anatomy and it is no wonder that full size sculpture was commissioned and valued.

Life size horse sculptures : A photo of Supreme Sultan for American Saddlebred Horse Museum.
Supreme Sultan Monument in front of the Museum. Photo Ross Millin.
All photos on page copyright: Patricia Crane

Life size horse sculpture portrait of the Saddlebred Stallion, Supreme Sultan, for the American Saddle Horse Museum

The Saddlebred stallion Supreme Sultan had already achieved international fame as a phenomenal sire of inestimable worth and brilliance. Sultan changed the history of his entire breed. The meeting of the sculptor and the stallion resulted in a now very well known life size horse sculpture, bronze portrait, which is installed just outside the front doors of the American Saddlebred Museum in Kentucky. The record books overflow with the accomplishments of Sultan's progeny and he now lies buried beneath this bronze portrait.

Supreme Sultan's carriage, poise and power as he trotted freely across his home fields, completely natural in every aspect has, as Mr. Bob Ruxer said, "been forever captured by Patricia Crane's work and enables the impact of this incredible stallion to be shared by each and every viewer into the long stretches of the future". While the sculptor has stated that labor to achieve this particular life size horse sculpture is small payback for the elegance and spirit with which this grand individual equine star graced the lives of all those who knew him.

Stages in the creation of the "Supreme Sultan" life size horse sculpture

A stage in the creation of sculpture is a 
wax model. Working on the 1/5 scale
wax for the monument
Life size sculpture is sometimes cast in plaster 
for more detailed correcting. Correcting the plaster sections
in a New York foundry.
Life size sculptures always require welding. Welding raw bronze sections
Unveiling a life size horse sculpture at KY Horse Park. Sultan's stallion manager
Bill Caldwell unveils the life
size sculpture of Sultan.
Click the photo above so you can
read the words of tribute on the
great stallion's bronze plaque.
Alvin C. Ruxer (owner), and
sculptor Patricia Crane share
a joyful hug after a year's team
Sultan Life size sculpture installed and viewed against a background of trees. View of the Supreme Sultan Life size
sculpture after installation, against a
background of lush green. The horse's
head turned to greet all future visitors
to the museum..
Life size horse sculpture: Supreme Sultan in front of the American Saddlbred Museum. Supreme Sultan Life Size Sculpture.
A true-life likeness of a famous
stallion that carries his conformational
and personal presence.
Photo by Ross Millin.
Sultan Springtime at ASB Museum The life size sculpture of Sultan
stands in memory of a great
stallion and of what greatness
can do while every Spring time
greeting new generations.
Life size sculptures of famous horses are always appreciated by 
visitors. Thousands of visitors come
annually to view the portrait
monument that marks the grave
of Supreme Sultan, who won
hearts as well as accolades.
Ross Millin Photo.
Animation of Sultan's life size sculpture. Man o" War stood alone at the Horse Park for many years. What might he have done, when the life size sculpture of Supreme Sultan was installed? CLICK IMAGE ABOVE TO WATCH THE ANIMATION!!!

Life size horse sculpture has existed for thousands and thousands of years. Life size marble horses have pulled the chariots of the Gods of ancient civilizations, and have carried famous people into history beyond their lifetimes. Such works have preserved the spirit of power, elegance and freedom horses bring to the life of man. Life size sculpture seen against the sky has a magnificence of expression only equaled by real life horses. Since Egyptian times horses have been beloved for their personality and companionship as well as for services to human kind so it is not surprising that life size figures of the equine have continued to be popular.

Supreme Sultan life size horse sculpture at the American 
Saddlebred Horse Museum
Hunter Chancellor astride the Phoenix
life size bronze sculpture at the KY
Horse Park.

Other Related Pages:

Read the Supreme Sultan article in Famous Saddlebreds

View the Supreme Sultan: Saddlebred Resin Sculpture

Visit the main Bronze Horse Sculpture Gallery

Sculptor Patricia Crane: Bio Background
Resources © All Photos and Sculpture Copyright 2000 - 2025, Patricia Crane.