History of Horse Art

Bronze Horse Sculpture
Awards & Trophies Horse Sculpture
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture
Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture

We know that along with other animals, horses were depicted in many ancient cave dwellings in both Europe and north Africa. Whatever the motivation of these early artists might have been, such art history is proof of an early relationship between horse and man. At Niaux, Lascaux, Vallon-ont-D'arc and many sites across Spain and France, ancient rock art is to be found and roughly a third of it all is that of horses!
30,000 years before the birth of Christ, an artist was carving a horse amulet in bone!
Shortly after the domestication of horses, between 3000 and 2000 B.C., they played a key role in the expansion of civilization itself, as well as what has been and is, a role in the world of art. History clearly shows this wonderful animal has intrigued the artist as much as the horseman, from prehistory to the twenty first century.
Truthfully, knowing the artistic history, knowing how horses were depicted in this or that time period or place, tells us a whole lot about the culture of man in that period or place. From value as a food source, willing worker and explorer, a partner in work, sport, symbol of status, to a symbol of living essence and spirit, horses have marched through the centuries right along with mankind, most often in the role of helper or source of inspiration, and just as often as a guide to the deeper values within man himself.
Site Sections about the History of Horse Art
![]() Ancient Civilizations From cave paintings to other art works of ancient civilizations, the horse is a vital force in the life of mankind. |
![]() Early Oriental Tomb figures, pottery and other examples of early Oriental art are museum treasures today. |
![]() Medieval Times The art of medieval times makes it clear how essential horses were in the daily life of both the rich and the poor. |
![]() Renaissance Along with the Renaissance came artists' interest in man, plus an interest in horses which was now frequently depicted in art works. |
![]() Baroque Age The end of the Renaissance flowed into the Baroque and equine artwork along with equitation became popular. |
![]() Eighteenth Century The Eighteenth century began to focus on equine anatomy and the accuracy of a horse's portrait. |
![]() Nineteenth Century Horse Art Horses in artwork exploded in the Nineteenth Century, along with Thoroughbred racing, and the formation of jockey clubs. |
![]() Modern World (Coming Soon) |
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