Ancient History of Horse Art -
Ancient Civilizations and Horse Artists

Bronze Horse Sculpture
Awards & Trophies Horse Sculpture
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture
Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane
Resin Horse Sculpture Life Size Bronze Horse Sculpture
Life Size Horse Sculpture Porcelain Horse Sculpture and Raku
Arabian Horse Sculpture

Ancient Civilization History of Horse Art
All of the useful and aesthetic pleasures gained from mankind's association with the horse have, from very ancient times, resulted in horse art -- artifacts, sculpture, prints, drawing and paintings. Numerous civilizations flourished in what we now call ancient times and the horse was featured in many cultures whose art works have come down to us today. They reflect the migration and development of horses through centuries and there is evidence primarily though the art of these ancient civilizations that horses were domesticated as long as 3,500 years ago.
From the Stone Age, Scythian, Assyrian, Persian, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Western European, the body of art work, is largely how civilizations have become known to modern day man.
A striking example of from 250 BC comes from the tomb of King Mausolus at Halicarnassus ( coast of Asia Minor) and was known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World before being destroyed by an earthquake in the middle ages and later plundered. Pliny described a four horse chariot sculpture surmounting this huge tomb, and one of the remains today, is the front end of an over life size horse, with bridle.
By the time Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont in 334 BC the horse has begun its long cavalry career. Wall decorations and horse carvings and sculpture from the Parthenon make it clear that though still smallish, horses had become more refined in conformation.
From the fourth and fifth centuries, works of art depict the types of harness common to eastern Siberia and the Mediterranean.
Illustrations of Ancient Art:
Ancient French CavesParthenon - Image of "Horse of Selene" by Phidias
lst Century Art - Roman Chariot
Marcus Aurelius at Capitoline Museum, Rome
Sixth Century - Brooch of a Horse
Sculpture of St. Marks in Venice
Prehistoric Art
Horses in art of the ancient Persian Empire begun with King Darius in 521 BC, is shown in bas-relief carvings at Persepolis. Horses from different parts of the empire were depicted, falling into three distinct types, some of which were taller horses.
The Museum at Chatillon-sur-Sein, in France, contains a wine mixer from sixth century Italy - decorated with a frieze of eight horse drawn chariots. The bridles bear a strong resemblance to those of horses of the eastern Steppes.
One of the earliest representations of horses and chariots was found in the Assyrian palace at Nineveh where large wall slabs, carved bas-relief, depict the victories in war, dating from the seventh century BC. The horse was smaller then and not ridden to war, but the horse powered chariot remade the history of war. The chariot eventually became a tool of ceremony, burial and in Rome of high sport.
Horses in the art of the Classical Greek era achieved a kind of perfection later emulated by Rome and actually forming the basis of Western art. The frieze from the interior of the colonnade of the Parthenon sculpture of Phidias from the mid- fifth century BC) is one of the best known sculptures of this Golden Age.
From early days of ancient civilizations, from cave paintings to artifacts, the horse was a spiritual component of man's life and days, as well as a companion of work and pleasure.
History of Horse Art Areas:
Early OrientalMedieval Times
Baroque Age
Eighteenth Century
Nineteenth Century
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