Bronze Filly - Horse Art By Patricia Crane

HORSE KNOWLEDGE CENTER Meet the Horse Artist: Sculptor Patricia Crane Contact
The bronze filly is a work of love, and also the work of a sculptor, Patricia Crane, who has spent a life time with horses. Dedication to the fine art of casting museum quality work, and dedication to true to life sculpting is apparent in the bronze filly offered below.

Working in bronze is a labor intensive task, especially if the goal is to capture the essence of the individual or a breed with precise conformation that duplicates that of real life. Life size pieces by the sculptor of this bronze filly, decorate the famous park in Lexington, Kentucky. Now sculptures of this filly reside in many collections and homes. Bronze sculpture that captures our hearts are the ones we like to live with.

Bronze Filly edition.
Photo By Mike Davis

The Bronze Filly

"The Filly" is a museum quality bronze edition of 20

Measurement are : 12 inches tall x 10.5 inches long, plus walnut base.

Poised before us on spindly legs, her head high, this filly faces the
world....and captures our hearts with her inquisitive alertness.

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Match the Bronze Filly to other Bronzes:

3 Gaited Saddlebred - (Accolade)
Saddlebred Bronze - (After The Class)
Bronze Horse Head - (Caliburn)
Saddlebred Art - (Criterion)
Sporting Art: Thoroughbred Bronze Sculpture - (Cooling Down)
Compositional Bronze Horse Sculpture & Filly Grouping - (The Gathering)
Hackney Pony Sculptures - (Man on the Town)
Bronze Horse Statues - (Odyssey)
5 Gaited Bronze Saddlebred - (The Phoenix)
Hackney Cob Tail Pony Sculpture - (Risin Tide
Mustang Horse Sculpture - (Spooked
Horse Racing Bronze - (Handicap Horses)
Fine Harness Horse Sculpture - (Triumph)
Life Size Bronze Horse - (For the International Museum)
Life Size Horse Sculpture - (Supreme Sultan for the Saddlebred Museum)

© All Photos and Sculpture Copyright 2000 - 2025, Patricia Crane. Resources