Rex Peavine a Saddlebred Never for Sale

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His show career did not begin until 1903 after a heavy season at stud. Until then he had never had a set of harness on him or been gaited. At his first show he never missed a ribbon. He was shown in 13 classes that year and won 11 blues and 2 seconds, and the next show season was practically a repeat of the first. After this however, his show ring appearances were infrequent and will little preparation because the public demand for Rex Peavine as a breeding stallion was so great.
Bred by Dr. W. L. Hockaday, he was foaled in 1899. His owner had great faith in his horse and upon the owner's death, ownership passed to the son James Hockaday. The stallion was never sold, never for sale, and the faith in him was justified as he became a truly all time great sire. Large sums were offered the owners but always refused and the stallion stayed with the family his entire life time.
No Saddlebred stallion in many years prior to him earned the world-wide fame at stud, as Rex Peavine did. His success as a sire was as immediate as the instant success of his progeny, while other stallions of his time who were more highly rated a show horses failed to "breed on" at stud. He retained his reputation and popularity for over twenty years, with his fees constantly rising and even turned mares away at high prices. At the age of 21 he was showing some age but when at liberty in his paddock still freely exhibited his energy and brilliance of gaits. He maintained his great success at stud, without a dull season, until his death in 1925.
The daughters of Rex Peavine were his most outstanding successes, generally better than his sons. Of all of his progeny the most sensational ones were the mares. His daughter Edna May, appearing early I her sire's breeding career, brought many good mares to his court. There has always been discussion whether Edna May or Hazel Dawn was the best he ever sired, but both daughters were something special as show horses . His Hazel Dawn was from a daughter of Chester Dare, while Edna May was from a daughter of Peavine, making her closely inbred. Edna May's son, Edna May's King, won the grand championship at the Kentucky State Fair in both 1924 and in 1926.
The best gelding by Rex Peavine was Mass of Gold, one of the best show horses of his day, twice winner of the big stake at Kentucky State Fair. Rexall Price was likely his best stallion son, a brilliant show horse whose stud and showing career were ended by an early death. At the time of his death he was considered to be the most valuable stallion in the country.
Jean Val Jean, another son, was a truly beautiful individual and one of his greatest producing sons Moreland Peavine, was though to be the son who most closely resembled the looks of his famous sire, more so than other sons of Rex Peavine. Moreland Peavine, was though to be the son who most closely resembled the looks of his famous sire, more so than other sons. There was Oakland Peavine and Dark Rex; oh there were many, and the bloodline continues in champions and grandchampions and excellent producing stallions and broodmares of our current day.
The fame of yet another son, Kalarama Rex, helped accelerate the fame of Kalarama Farms of Kentucky, producing many, many champions through the years and the fame of this farm continues in the show rings and stallions of today.
It was most unfortunate that with his great popularity as a sire, that not more of his get were registered by their owners; the record books do not begin to record his full influence! However, Rex Peavine got any number of horses better than he was himself, although it is unlikely he produced any better than his own tremendous "ability to do". At the time of his death it was not a question of what horse would take his place, but if there would be any to come that would equal this abilities as a sire.
Return to American Saddlebred History: Famous Saddlebreds, Facts, Info, Origins
Other Famous Saddlebreds:
Supreme Sultan- who changed the Saddlebred breed for the better
Easter Cloud the First World Champion Saddlebred
Montrose - Beauty and Style.
Bourbon King American Saddlebred Legend
Rex McDonald - a Saddlebred who scared the competition
Wing Commander: 6 Times World Grand Champion
Genius Bourbon King - famed champion and stallion son of Genius Bourbon
Indiana Ace Saddlebred famous on two continents.
Valley View Supreme Saddlebred 3 Gaited Stallion
Stonewall Supreme greatest of all Stonewall King Saddlebreds.
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